The Cecilia J. Lauby Teacher Education Center, located in DeGarmo Hall, houses the office of Clinical Experiences and Licensure Processes and serves over 4000 undergraduate and graduate teacher education students across campus. Primary focuses include K-12 partnerships, student teaching placements, Illinois State student gateway requirements, clinical experiences, educational data and ISBE licensure requirements.
Dr. Cecilia J. Lauby-Ryan was recruited to Illinois State Normal University in 1949 to create the first Office of Student Teaching and served in a variety of roles through 1973. During her 24-year tenure at Illinois State, Dr. Lauby was widely known for creating the model of student teaching experiences that was copied by universities across the nation. In 2004, the Dr. Cecilia J. Lauby Teacher Education Center was established to serve candidates in teacher preparation programs across five colleges.
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This section provides important procedural information and resources for Illinois State University faculty and supervisors as well as for cooperating teachers who are hosting a student teacher.
Get information pertinent to the governance and reporting of teacher education programs at Illinois State University.