PBA Teacher Education Workshop
The Performance Based Assessment (PBA) Online Workshop gives teacher education majors an opportunity to learn about ISU’s teacher education requirements. Items covered in the presentation include:
- Gateway/Milestone requirements and information about their completion.
- Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) testing requirements for licensure.
- Assistance in creating an Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS) account for ISBE. This account will be used for documentation of all licensure information.
- Tips on tracking your Gateway/Milestone information in the student center.
The PBA Workshop is mandatory for all education majors and should be completed once you declare your major.
If you have questions about the PBA feel free to e-mail pbaquestions@ilstu.edu.
PBA Online Workshop
Step 1 - To learn about PBA tasks and teacher education at Illinois State University, students will complete the online PBA video workshop which is broken down into 4 self-paced sections that run between 5 and 12 minutes in length. The workshop is created in Microsoft Stream and requires ISU log-in for access. Please make sure to watch each video to ensure you understand all PBA requirements. If you have any questions about workshop items, you should e-mail pbaquestions@ilstu.edu. To begin watching the videos, start on part 1 below and click on the hyperlink. Then proceed through all parts.
Step 2 - Now that you have watched all parts of the online PBA workshop, you must fill out and sign the following hyperlinked PBA Workshop Verification and Completion Form. Return the completed form to pbaquestions@ilstu.edu or you can return it in person to the Cecilia J. Lauby Teacher Education Center in DeGarmo 56. Once returned, staff will review and update your PBA milestone within 2-3 business days.
*PBA Workshop Presentation